WP Website for Yoga Teachers

A mini course on how to set-up a yoga teacher website using Wordpress

Do you need a quick yoga website but want to do it "the right way" to set yourself up for the future?

WP Website in a Weekend for Yoga Teachers is a method to you get your website up and running within a day or two. If you teach yoga online, you need a website.

Does this sound like you?

  • You've started teaching yoga online, but do not have a website.
  • You have something to offer, but no where to offer it.
  • You don't feel like you have time to build a website.
  • Website building seems too technical and scary.

What if there was a way to:

  • Build your website easily with capabilities and room to grow.
  • Have the ability to make edits super fast and whenever needed.
  • Love your website template and design.
  • Use what the pros are using.
  • Make money online as a yoga teacher.

That's why I created this mini course for yoga teachers to build a WP website.


WP Website in a Weekend for Yoga Teachers is a video step-by-step guide to setting up your yoga website using Wordpress on a self-hosted site.

Right now you are struggling with turning your social media following and viewers into paying students. You need a place to send them, i.e. your website, but don't yet have that set up. It's overwhelming to think of where to get started.

Imagine if you had a simple guide to help you through the process. Well, you do! It's this mini course. It'll help you lay the foundation to your first ever yoga website, the right way!


Your Instructor

Ashley Hagen, Yoga Teacher
Ashley Hagen, Yoga Teacher

Hey there! I’m Ashley Hagen, a yoga teacher and business coach who’s been teaching since 2013. I started out teaching 15+ yoga classes per week (burnout, anyone?) and later owned a yoga studio before shifting my business fully online. Now, I help other yoga teachers build confidence in their teaching and simplify their business—without the overwhelm.

With a background in marketing and graphic design, I specialize in making the business side of yoga feel less stressful and more fun. I also lead a daily 6am Zoom yoga class, bringing movement and mindfulness to students worldwide.

This free mini-course is designed to help you plan your yoga classes quickly and efficiently—so you can spend less time stressing and more time teaching. Let’s do this!

In 2011, I graduated with a B.S. degree in graphic communications with an emphasis in digital design and production and a minor in mass communication. In other words, building websites is a breeze to me. But I'm a graphic designer, not a developer. So I found easy ways to create websites and fumbled through the process for many years.

At first, I tried to code. Ugh.

Then I tried using a blog site. Also, ugh.

I finally bit the bullet and put a little money towards my website, hosting and a template theme that made things super easy. Not just for me but for anyone.

And then I found my current method to website building and THANK GOODNESS! My whole world (online) changed.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Due to the digital nature of this product and its low investment cost, no refunds are available after purchase.

So how does this work?

  1. Click the button to purchase and enroll in the course.
  2. After that, check your email inbox for a link to your login information.
  3. Then, you can start watching the video lessons to start building your very first yoga website.
  4. You get instant and lifetime access to the course content.

Imagine where you could be in just a few days from now after setting up your yoga website. You'll be able to guide people easily over to your very own website to have them sign up for classes, watch your videos, join your mailing list or purchase your recommended products (hopefully for some commissions!)

Join now before the price of this course goes up on Friday, May 22, and this course closes completely on May 29.

Get started now!