Focused Flow

yoga sequencing workshop for new yoga teachers

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What if yoga class sequencing wasn't so confusing?

With Focused Flow, there's no need to spend hours pouring over YouTube videos, or just copying other people's classes. You'll get a proven framework for creating your own unique yoga class plans that will save you time and make you more money.

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You struggle with creating a yoga class sequence that feels right for your teaching style.
  • You're tired of feeling like every class has to be creative and different.
  • You wish there was a way to make yoga class planning easy and fast.
  • You worry your students are going to get bored if you keep teaching the same thing over and over.
  • You fumble over the right words to say when guiding people into poses.

What if there was a way to:

  • Create a yoga class that reflects your unique teaching style.
  • Work with a simple formula and template for creative yoga class sequencing.
  • Change up the flow style of your class plan to offer something different.
  • Know how to adjust your class plan based on who shows up and the needs of the students.
  • Become a master communicator.

That's exactly why I created this online workshop. I want to help make it easy for you to feel confident in teaching your yoga classes, both in person and online.


Focused Flow is an online workshop with bonus mini lessons to help you feel more confident in your yoga class sequencing and cueing skills as a new yoga teacher.

Right now, you're struggling with mustering the confidence to get out and teach your first yoga class, whether that's online or eventually back in person. Teaching online means you need even better cueing skills and your demonstrations have to be spot on. You might even be worried that you'll be misunderstood or that you'll unintentionally cause an injury.

Imagine if those fears were gone. Imagine arriving to teach your class with confidence and a full understanding of how to adjust to the needs of your students.

Who is this for?

  • New yoga teachers
  • Yoga teacher trainees
  • Yoga teacher wannabes
  • Experienced yoga teachers looking for creative methods
  • Yoga practitioners for self practice

Your Instructor

Ashley Hagen, Yoga Teacher
Ashley Hagen, Yoga Teacher

Hey there! I’m Ashley Hagen, a yoga teacher and business coach who’s been teaching since 2013. I started out teaching 15+ yoga classes per week (burnout, anyone?) and later owned a yoga studio before shifting my business fully online. Now, I help other yoga teachers build confidence in their teaching and simplify their business—without the overwhelm.

With a background in marketing and graphic design, I specialize in making the business side of yoga feel less stressful and more fun. I also lead a daily 6am Zoom yoga class, bringing movement and mindfulness to students worldwide.

This free mini-course is designed to help you plan your yoga classes quickly and efficiently—so you can spend less time stressing and more time teaching. Let’s do this!

You read my official bio above, but there's more to that story.

I'm Ashley! I'm all things yoga and business– yoga practitioner, yoga teacher, yoga teacher trainer, yoga teacher business coach, and I even own and manage a yoga studio in Poulsbo, WA.

In the methods laid out in this course, I help new yoga teachers plan a self-sequenced yoga class (within a couple hours) so that they can teach their first class with confidence as soon as possible.

Here's the truth. Teaching yoga didn’t come easy to me when I first started. Shocker, I know! You might be at that place, too. That’s why I created this course to give you the framework to get started.

Nowadays, I enjoy transforming passionate yoga students into thriving yoga teachers through in-person 200 hr yoga teacher trainings and I love building community at my yoga studio (virtually now that we are all on lockdown).

But it hasn’t always been that way. Probably like you, I struggled with simply planning out my yoga classes. Creating unique sequences for every single class (15-20 per week) became a tedious chore. I fumbled over the words to say with my plan and felt glued to my sheet of paper. I was shy and quite terrible at stringing words together, let alone trying to be inspirational. Teaching did not come natural to me.

Also, as a new teacher unable to speak confidently, I did a LOT of pose demonstration. My body constantly ached from practicing along in 15 classes per week. I didn't have the slightest clue how to teach from off my mat.

First I tried copying sequences and cues verbatim from youtube and yogaglo videos. I had no idea how to modify or change up the sequence for specific people or populations. And this also felt very inauthentic.

Then, I tried completely winging it and showed up with nothing but a hope for the best. This was extremely stressful and really didn't work.

Then, with my love of problems solving and algebraic equations, I went ahead and created my own simple plug-and-place formula for yoga class sequencing. And it worked!

This is the framework for yoga class planning is what I'm teaching you inside Focused Flow course. I created this for you, a new yoga teacher.

I want to help new yoga teachers show up with confidence and authenticity in their yoga class plan.


The Focused Flow workshop training is broken into 3 parts:

1. Find your FOCUS

You'll discover the 3 key areas of focus that you'll need as a yoga teacher. I'll ask you questions to ponder and you'll discover more about yourself and your students.

2. Four-part Yoga Class OUTLINE

Before we get too deep into creative yoga sequencing, we have to go over the basics in how a simple yoga class is set-up. This portion of the training sets the foundation on how to offer a safe and effective yoga class.

3. Decide on your FLOW style

This is where our sequencing gets fun! You'll learn my 7 different sequencing styles, with PDF templates for each. Pick a flow option that works for you and try it out!


  • 10 Step Sequencing eBook
  • Cueing mini video lessons and workbooks

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the content?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Is there a refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of this course, no refunds will be issued after purchase.
How do I contact you with questions?
Join my free FB group, Yoga Sequencing & Teaching Tips, for community and conversation. I'm in there daily to help you out as best that I can. If you have a technical question regarding the course, email [email protected] and I'll help you out.

So how does this work exactly?

  1. Click the button to purchase and enroll in Focused Flow.
  2. After that, check your email inbox for a link to your login information.
  3. Then, you can start your journey to becoming a confident yoga teacher right away by watching the lessons and downloading the guides and templates.
  4. You get instant and lifetime access to the course content.

Imagine where you could be a month from now or a year from now. Are you going to go back to the yoga studio more confident in your teaching abilities, or will you go back feeling like you need another 200 hrs of YTT? Let's not wait! Let's get you on your way to becoming a confident yoga teacher right now.

Focused Flow

Sequencing & cueing online workshop for yoga teachers

Join today!

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